An update of the program codes can significantly improve the 2010 Annual Report.
There are currently 14 program types and only two had more than 10% of
the airing - hours for 2010 programs.
4 were not used at all. Another 7 had less than 3%.
Over 47% percent of the programs did not have a program type, the were unassigned.
Once the new program codes are entered and the series program type codes
are updated the 2010 Annual Report can be redone using the new program codes which
will be much more useful for everyone.
The current program type codes are:
Unassigned, All Bets Off, Arts, Best of Worlds, Com. Services, Economy, Environment, Generations, Health, Home Room, Performing Arts, Practicalities, Recreation, Religion/Faith, Traditions.
Of these only the following codes were used for the programs aired in 2010, the code is followed by the % of airings for the code:
All Bets Off 1%, Arts 33%, Best of Worlds .3%, Com Services 5%, Economy 1%, Environment 6%, Health 3%, Performing Arts 2%, Presentations 1%, Religion/Faith 2%.
What is the type 'Com. Services' for?
It does not appear that the current active type codes are representative of the programming.
Nor do they reflect the CMTV mission and purpose.
The initial possible program types below has 14 categories that cover all programming and all the main intents of the CMTV mission statement.
These are possible initial categories to consider that may be significantly more useful than the current set.
This initial set can be used to see how it works for 2010 and adjustments can be made as needed.
Below are some of the considerations that can be taken into account when choosing programming types.
Rob can use this initial set and come up with a list to use to test on 2010's programs and adjustments can be made once the new types are used on 2010.
This list is made based on the discussion below, using the mission statement as the over arching criteria.
Doing this can significantly help CMTV better nurture its solid foundational ideas.
Once Rob comes is satisfied with an initial set,
I'd be happy to make the ProTrack adjustments for the program series.
It should take less than a few hours. Or this set can be used and we can see what it shows and move on from there.
It certainly will show much more than the current programs types and it will be much simple to update once the
initial program types are in place.
Once this update is done a much better picture of what CMTV is actually broadcasting will be readily available.
Initial Program Types
GovV - Government Access TV - Spokane Valley City Government Broadcasts
EDU - Educational Access TV prefix - this can be kept in place for the programming from Educational Insitutions, especially if CMTV anticipates providing this service in the future. Currently there is considerable 'free' programming available from Educational channels for PEG station broadcast that I encourage CMTV to add to their regular programming. Also local people can submit these programs as community endorsed programs which is currently being done. This will make CMTV a full PEG TV station instead of just a P with some G programming. The EDU prefix can be added to the public access categories below so the program categories are the same for both Public Access and EDU Access.
Public Access Categories - the Public of PEG stations.
Keep in mind these broad categories can then be used to sort out finer details within each program type.
The green text is directly from CMTV's mission and purpose and is used for the 4 major categories of program types.
The actual program types are in bold black.
non-corporate and neglected perspectives - this part of the mission statement covers all CMTV programming and thus does not need a unique type.
1. build and strengthen community in the Spokane region
This is a positive category. For the more divisive issues - they fall into major category #3 Local, national and global issues.
1a. Religion/Faith/Spirituality - this category is for the various services and practices related to religion/faith/spirituality - Catholic mass is a mainstay since the beginning of CMTV.
Activities by religious/faith/spiritual groups and people nurturing people and or nature can be placed in an appropriate category outside of this category. Most if not all Brethren Voices falls well into many other diverse categories.
At this point it would be good to add some more diverse programming here.
1b. Activist - Individuals and groups working for positive social and environmental change
values of peace, social, economic and environmental justice, human rights,
democracy, freedom of expression and social change
1c. Resolving issues in positive, nurturing ways (this includes - peace, social, economic, environmental justice, human rights, democracy, freedom of expression and social change. Perhaps other words can be found for this category. It is doubtful that there is enough programming to make any one of these category to be significant compared to other major categories. This category can also include children, local food, health, nature, gardening, Bioneers, lifestyle, some Link TV shows, interviews.
1d. ? Perhaps there is another grouping that can be made from the categories about that would have significant airings - hours.
This can also be sorted out after the initial update is made.
2. diverse communities and unserved or underserved groups, multiculturalism,
2a. Diverse Community News
The Real Powwow Trail (1 hr)
Northwest Indian News (.5 hr/mo)
2b. Diverse Community Programming - All other non-news 'Diverse' programming.
It would be very useful to add addition programming to this category.
2c. Multiculturalism
3. local, national and global issues
3a. Local Spokane Issues
- There should be several programs that fit this category...
3b. State, Regional and National Issues
- It would be great to find programming that covers this category well. There probably is 'free' programming that cover
3c. Global Issues, Global Perspectives, People, Places, Nature throughout the world ...
- It is appropriate for Democracy Now to be in this category - even though it also covers national issues. It's perspective is global in nature.
World exploration, adventure, travel, places and people, programs go here. Link TV has 'free' programs that well fit this category.
4. arts, cultural, and music programming
a wide spectrum of expression
reflects the diverse cultures
It is clear that this category in particular is not to be dominated by one type of art, cultural or music programming.
Appropriate categories need to be selected here and programming made available for them.
There is plenty of 'free' programming available that reflects a wide spectrum of expression and diverse cultures.
4a - Artist Showcase - this has been the main music for many months and is probably the highest percentage of airs and hours of all other program types.
4b - Classical Arts - at this point there has been little if any classical arts programming - this is free, readily available and requires no programming - like Democracy now. It is available in 8hr segments 24/7. I recommend this be considered, certainly until other programming becomes available.
4c - Diverse Arts - this is a category that can be nurtured over 2011. This can include story telling and all other arts that are not showcase or classical.
What the types can be used to do is to identify the actual top 15 or so types of programming that represent a majority of the programming hours with a fairly even distribution among the types for this new year 2011. In other words for 15 categories it would be good if each category had about 7% of the airings - play hours. If one or two categories have most of the airing and play hours the other categories will not be as visible.
Since the showcase programs are a higher percentage than any other category they should be in their own separate category so the other categories are more useful.
Categories that would be nice to have but have less than 1% of the airings - hours can be aggregated in other categories until they have significant airing - hours.
It would also be useful if at least some of the types were for the current and expected future weekly programming times reserved for specific programming types.
Rob what are the current schedule reserved slots expected for 2011.
Certainly each of the PEG (Public, Education, Government TV access) categories can be recognized. Government certainly should have at least one category for each Government entity that CMTV broadcasts for. The GOV prefix can be used for these program types.
GovV - Government Spokane Valley City is one. If there are others add them in.
EDU - The E in PEG is mostly done by the other channels - Gonzaga, EWU, CC, WSU, UW. There are several program playing now from University and there are other programs freely available that can fit this category. If CMTV is interested in being available for EDU programming it would be good to make use of this category at some time if not now.
Rob what do you recommend. The EDU prefix can be used for these programming types.
Public Access - The P in PEG is a large majority of the programming hours. These are the programs that need to be more evening distributed among the programming types. Again - Showcase can have it's own category and the rest can be balanced.
Certainly ALL the categories of the CMTV Mission - Purpose can be in the programming types.
The CMTV Mission - Purpose is here:
Mission Link
Broadcast spot:
CMTV Mission
“To build and strengthen community through digital media”
CMTV is to furnish non-profit and non-commercial broadcast services,
and to provide programming to
diverse communities and unserved or underserved groups.
CMTV's programming emphasizes non-corporate and neglected perspectives and
discussions on important local, national and global issues,
reflecting values of peace, social, economic and environmental justice, human rights,
democracy, multiculturalism, freedom of expression and social change.
CMTV's arts, cultural, and music programming
covers a wide spectrum of expression, from traditional to experimental and
reflects the diverse cultures it serves.
Here are some of the possible program types that have been discussed before:
See this Program Type link for the details.
Some of the programs CMTV airs are listed in the various categories.
Additional programs could be added to these categories to better sort out which categories are appropriate for the active program types.
Categories From CMTV Mission - Purpose
Strengthening Community
Diverse Communities
>Local Programming? or DVD?
The Real Powwow Trail (1 hr)
Northwest Indian News (.5 hr/mo)
Unserved - Underserved Groups
Neglected perspectives
>Satellite Feed Live
Democracy Now! (5hrs/wk)
>Local Programming
- Better Spokane Interviews (10hrs/yr)
>Internet Download, DVDs
- Meet America (DVD's 10? hrs/yr)
Local Issues
National Issues
Global Issues
>Internet Download, DVDs
- Link TV (downloads - at least 5 hours per wk can be downloaded)
Social Justice
Economic Justice
Environmental Justice
>Internet Download, DVDs
- Bioneers (DVDs - 20? hours per year)
Human Rights
Freedom of Expression
Social Change
>Local Programming
- CMTV Artist Showcase (12/hours a day - 80hrs/week - how much of this is repeats???)
>Satellite Feed Live
Classic Arts Show Case (8hrs/wk)
Wide Spectrum of Expression
Diverse Cultures
Additional Categories - Suggested And With Current Programming
Programs from local schools and colleges
Local news
Music from around the world
>Internet Download, DVDs
- Link TV (downloads - at least 5 hours per wk can be downloaded)
Weird Variety Stuff
Teenagers making cool stuff
>Local Programming
>Local Programming
Wellness - Body Mind Spirit
>Local Programming
- Jazzercise (?hr/wk)
>Local Programming (Sunday 4hrs + others throughout the week)
>Local Programming
- P.E.A.C.H. Classes
Travel - Adventure
>Local Programming
- Right to Risk Grand Canyon Movie (1 hr)
From these here are some aggregate categories to start with - and test with 2010 programming to see how well they work and what adjustments will work better.
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