To view this, updates and more info about programs for PEG channels as it becomes available:
Here is a vast source of free programming that can be used by CMTV:
The shows are free. Some have a nominal download charge. Other PEG channels
make good use of this fine resource to provide more fresh programming
for their PEG viewers. Stations also share their programs with the world
Talking with a tech person at a University, it takes 5 or so minutes
to download a 30 minute program via a program that uses mulltiple
ftp channels to bring in the program in multiple simultaneous streams
and then reassembles the program ready for broadcast.
Yes, downloading an hour program can be done in minutes and
need not take hours for a one hour program to download.
These programs would go a long way toward filling CMTV's over 95% repeat
programming each month.
[There are 720 hours a month, 30 hours of fresh programming
a month is 96% repeat programming, of the 30 hours of fresh
programming per month much less is local content -
if there were 7 hours of local programming a month that would be
1% of the programming. It is not reasonable to expect local programming
to increase significantly over the coming years.]
Several hundred hours a fresh programming each month, that
nurtures a better Spokane for everyone - people and nature,
would benefit the Spokane community considerably. This can be
done and is being done by other PEG channels throughout the
United States.
Yes, of course, local programming should receive
first priority for CMTV broadcasting.
No one is suggesting anything different.
It would be a good idea for CMTV to focus more effort
to obtain and broadcast more nurturing programming
- hundreds of hours, until local programming is capable
of producing more programs.
Below is a list of the programs available 1 Sep.
Take a look through the list and let Rob know of any shows you are particularly interested in.
There are garden shows, do it yourself shows, creativity, arts, health,
animal house (about animal rescue), Beatrix Potter - Reading aloud ...
This is one source that other PEG channels use quite a bit to provide
more fresh programs for their communities.
CMTV can do much more to provide more fresh programming
to its viewing audience. More fresh programming will
be greatly appreciated by the audience.
PegMedia includes 'Filmmakers Studio' which might encourage
a few more people to produce a local show. A preview of this and probably all
the other shows can be viewed on You may need to create an
account to view these. Here is an episode of Filmmakers Studio:
Two programs available from that are quite popular on one channel are:
- Hot & Cold - a humerous show on building and renovating houses by an expert that does the work
- Expedition NE - is a great program for kids that talks about and shows nature
Hot and Cold is about building and renovating houses as well as updating with new types of insulation and alternative energy. It's somewhat the tone of a This Old House, but in Hot and Cold, the host, Tom Gocze, is the expert and does the work. Tom gets his hands dirty as he explains how homeowners can do a lot of the work themselves or be more knowledgable if they were to hire someone.
This show is excellent and would rank among the top in community television in interest to the audience and applicability to a wide audience. The production is single camera, but very good quality video, audio and content. A number of shows are currently uploaded with many more to come. This show is shot in Maine, but can play anywhere there are houses.
For more info see:
Expedition New England is a first class show about nature in the New England states
and beyond - covering the world. While this may not be focused on the
Pacific Northwest these shows would benefit every child in Spokane and their
families and deserves to be on CMTV.
For more info:
HISTORY of ENE During the summer of 2000, just before the birth of our first child "Daphne" I bought a video camera. About a year prior I had joined the Connecticut Herpetologist League and hooked up with some of CT's leading amphibian and reptile enthusiasts who taught me the art of things like snake catching and turtle rescue. And to top it all off, Ava and I obtained our scuba diving licenses in 1998 which lead to the access of New England's marine environment for the first time in our lives. All three things created a perfect storm of images for me as a film maker. I began filming everything; snakes, turtles, ants, jellie fish, spiders and even the birth of our child. What is Scott Tucker's Expedition New England television show about? It's about adventure. It's about discovery. It's about seeing the wonderful nature and wildlife that's thriving in our backyards, our Land Trust properties, our forests, and our oceans. My wife Ava, our daughter Daphne and I exploreNew England and beyond to capture amazing, interesting plants, and insects, and wildlife both on land and in the water. Sometimes we do this without even leaving our own backyard. There is just so much to see. Why did I create Expedition New England? With the programs currently on main stream cable and satellite we see more about Australia, Africa and Costa Rica than what's happening right under our noses in New England! I knew in my heart a show about our own backyard was despirately needed and "if done with emotion and compassion" could inspire people to take their kids back outdoors again and do something different. - an activity the whole family can enjoy. I also hope that whether they take advantage of what's around them or just watch my show I can help bring respect and ultimately protection for the fabulous flora, fauna, and wildlife around us. Today, I see we have achieved our mission. The world of course. For the next 5 years I plan to spend most of the summers Scuba diving in New England filming our spectacular marine environment. During the other seasons I will take the television audience on journeys and adventures to different places on land. I will also be including in my program the many people I have met as a result of producing the show. Their specific knowledge will add so much to what I am doing. I would love to see the show grow into a wider regional or national audience and have the content of the show cover more other un-sung places around the country and the world. Ultimately, I really want to inspire everyone on the globe to marvel, respect and work to preserve this amazing place we call Earth! |
==== Available Programs As 1 Sep
Other Shows: For the following shows, a small charge for the download costs will be made to the downloader. Shows in this category can be as good as or better than free shows and certainly should be worth much more that the small amount needed to cover the download.
Please click on the shown name for more details about the show.
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