
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Media reform definitions

Media reform definitions


You've probably heard the buzz lately about things like media reform, Net neutrality and telecommunications legislation. These are issues that could affect anyone who uses a television, phone or the internet in important ways. Sometimes it's hard to make sense of it all, so we've provided this quick list of definitions, some based on information from FreePress.net. Free Press is a national non-partisan organization working to reform media. Click here to learn more.

The Issues: The bills now moving through state legislatures will influence how you will be able to use the communications networks of tomorrow. They’ll decide who will have access to new technologies and services and how much they’ll cost. The rules written now will determine if the broadest sources of culture and information will be available to everyone.

Media Reform: A movement of organizations and individuals working for more democratic media, including higher journalistic standards, quality entertainment, diversity, localism and political awareness.

Telcos: Large telecommunications companies like AT&T, Verizon and Qwest. They now offer internet and TV in addition to phone services, but they're trying to find ways provide these services without honoring consumers' rights to things like reasonable prices, community TV funding and unlimited internet access.

Federal Communications Commission: The FCC is an independent United States government agency, directly responsible to Congress. The FCC regulates communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable.

Net Neutrality: Net Neutrality means no discrimination on the Internet. States are considering measures to show their support for this fundamental principle that prevents big phone and cable companies from interfering or favoring certain Web sites and services based on their source, ownership or destination.

Video Franchising: States are deciding how to handle the entrance of new competitors — primarily phone companies — into the television market. Traditionally, cable companies have agreed to “local franchise agreements” with cities and towns. But now the companies are pushing to negotiate these deals statewide.

Build-Out Requirements: A key part of franchise agreements, build-out requirements prevent powerful cable and phone companies from “cherry-picking” certain wealthier neighborhoods while avoiding others. They make sure the entire community gets access to advanced networks on a reasonable timetable.

PEG/Public Access TV: In exchange for lucrative local franchises, video providers have provided public, educational and governmental (PEG) access channels — which broadcast local voices, cover local issues, and show exactly how local government works. Some of these outlets are now endangered.

Community Internet: High-speed broadband access is becoming a public necessity. In many places where many people cannot access or afford Internet service, local governments are working with innovative businesses to build “Community Internet” systems. Industry lobbyists have tried to outlaw these local competitors.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

KSPS Satellite Feeds & KSPS Program File Server

(Please send adjustments to this so it can be updated for better accuracy.)

CMTV has two options for providing programs to be sent from KSPS to Comcast for broadcast.
Live satellite feeds direct to Comcast and KSPS file server scheduled programs sent to Comcast.

All the steps in these various processes are straight forward once they have been set up. KSPS provides the needed information to do the initial set up.

Live satellite feeds sent directly to Comcast
Live satellite feeds can sent directly from KSPS to Comcast for broadcast. This is the simplest way for KSPS to send programs to Comcast for CMTV. There is no muss and fuss with bringing the satellite signal in, putting it on the KSPS program files server, scheduling each program with ProTrack and then sending the program to Comcast from the files server when ProTrack requests the program be played.

Live satellite feeds, when possible are preferred by KSPS. This is essentially a one step process. KSPS file server programming has more steps with lots of pesky details that need to be taken care of. Once programs are set up on the KSPS file server and ProTrack scheduling is in place the process is usually more or less automatic - once it is set up and tested.

Democracy Now is to be broadcast this way - from the live satellite feed sent directly to Comcast.

Democracy Now can also be recorded to from the satellite receiver at KSPS to the KSPS program file server and then broadcast at a later time on CMTV as scheduled by ProTrack. See below for how all this is done.

KSPS program file server scheduled programs sent to Comcast
The KSPS program file server can be viewed as a very large, many terrabytes, hard drive computer system that can broadcast programs to one or more broadcast channels. KSPS has well over ten? channels that it broadcasts to each day 24/7. If the KSPS program file server goes down - all the channels will no long be airing the scheduled programs.

The KSPS program file server process for broadcasting programs has multiple steps.
There are steps to get the program of the Satellite and saved on a program file on the KSPS program file server.
CMTV is delivering programs to KSPS on hard drive each week which requires some steps.
Then there are then steps to schedule a program on the file server to be broadcast on CMTV's Comcast channel 14.

Getting programs from the satellite receiver to KSPS program file server.
The satellite receiver is programmed by the ProTrack scheduling system at CMTV's office to record the program as it is received from the satellite. Once the program is on the KSPS file server it is can then be later broadcast as various times. The ProTrack programming scheduling software is used to set each program's broadcast times.

There are various details needed to schedule receiving a satellite feed. KSPS provides all these details - satellite id, characteristics ... Plus KSPS will provide the times satellite feeds are available for CMTV. Apparently there are only so many feeds that KSPS can accommodate at any one time.

Once each satellite feed has been set up on ProTrack for recording a program and this is tested to make sure it is working then it is straight forward to do this for other programs and regularly scheduled programs should work like clock work and be put on the file server for CMTV to schedule for broadcast whenever CMTV wants.

Getting programs from the hard drive to KSPS program file server.
Each week usually Thursday, CMTV drives up to KSPS to deliver a hard drive with the programs to be broadcast the next week. On Friday, after KSPS has transferred the files to the KSPS program file server the hard drive is picked up by CMTV and driven back to CMTV. When a high speed internet connection is established between KSPS and CMTV the programs can be FTPed via the internet from CMTV to KSPS with out the 2 drives each week...

KSPS's program file server uses a proprietary file type so regular video program files can not be used. A special file conversion needs to be done. With the conversion software set up, each file is converted into the required 'SeaChange?' format. It takes a few minutes at most to convert each program file. The application to do this is not in expensive.

When KSPS creates programs for broadcast they have the same issue - the need to convert from regular video program file type to the 'SeaChange' format. They have an application that does the conversion of each file for them. There are multiple applications that make this conversion. These applications vary considerably in cost and probably in quality of broadcast file produced and other considerations. Once regular files are set up for conversion it is a straight forward process that takes a few minutes to do for each program. The programs files can be processed in batches so it is very straight forward to do - once it is set up and tested.

Perhaps KSPS does this conversion for other stations? KWSU?  It might be worth seeing if KSPS will convert the CMTV regular program files if there continues to be issues of broadcast quality - if these issues are due to conversion issues. Certainly it would be useful to make a test file for KSPS to convert and air to see if there are any significant quality differences.

KSPS has fine tuned their program file conversion process for their particular broadcast equipment. Using KSPS's conversion may help CMTV's broadcast quality considerably.

On the other hand if CMTV's conversion is producing at least as good broadcast quality files as KSPS, CMTV could provide this conversion service for other channels if KSPS is not making their conversion process available.

Getting programs from the KSPS program file server to Comcast for broadcast
Once programs are on the KSPS program file server they are scheduled using the ProTrack internet application.

Aside from direct satellite feed from KSPS to Comcast, Protrack accessing the KSPS program server is the only way to get programs aired on Comcast via KSPS.

ProTrack is straight forward to program - program ID, play date, play time ... ProTrack is obnoxiously awkward to use - certainly uses ancient data entry design. When it is updated to current state of the art data entry - allowing spreadsheet entry etc it will be much more agil.

None the less most anyone with basic data entry computer skills with some idea of what scheduling is about can do adequate data entry within a week or so. Someone that is more fully trained on ProTrack and knows scheduling probably could do much more with this tool.


All these processes are straight forward to do. A hitch in anyone can make it so those steps follow the hitch do not work. The resolution of the hitch only involves the one point all the rest of the process, once working and tested remains just fine waiting patiently for the hitch to be worked out.

It is essentially a mechanical process - not much of an art at all - especially once it is working and tested.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spokane's Public, Education & Government Cable Channels On Comcast


5 City PEG City Of Spokane - Government programming
7 KSPS PBS Spokane Public Schools - PBS
14 CMTV PEG Community Minded TV
15 Gonzaga ? Gonzaga
16 UWTV ? University Of Washington TV
17 Public Schools ? District 81 and EWU (Seldom if ever used by the schools)
18 KWSU PBS, Edu Washington State University TV - PBS including WSU programs
19 CCS ? Community Colleges Of Spokane - SCC has the studio?

Interesting stuff - from what I've found so far.
Please send updates and corrections.

Channel 5 - City of Spokane. A PEG channel - government only or does it include education too?
Spokane uses Channel 5 as a government access channel to provide information to the public. An independent public access channel is not reserved, but the City’s cable franchisee, Comcast, operates a community access Channel (Channel 14) for members of the public.
The five educational access channels, Comcast 15-19, are managed by the Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning - a consortium of local educational institutions serving the community’s educational access user needs, with resources supplied by the member schools, Comcast and other contributors.
I assume this channel broadcasts live directly to Comcast?
They have online videos available.
DVD's of original programming are available for $11/DVD
Programming starts at 6AM. In addition to live broadcasts, additional programming is created and broadcast along with national programming? including ARMY Newswatch and NASA: Destination Tomorrow. How do they get this additional programming?

Channel 7 - KSPS PBS The SPS stands for Spokane Public Schools who runs this PBS station
Full broadcast TV station. Three channels which are KSPS World and KSPS Create and ???
Provides master control operations for two other stations: KWSU??? and  ???
Watch programs on line.
KSPS produces some shows
KSPS sells some DVDs for $20 along with PBS videos.
Provides broadcast  services for channels 14 through 18 - NOT channel 19 which is the Community Colleges of Spokane.
- Live satellite feeds: Gonzaga, KSPS, CM-TV, KWSU possibly.
- Satellite feeds stored on KSPS file server for broadcast times specified by ProTrack program scheduling: KSPS, CM-TV, KWSU
- File transfers (In SeaChange proprietary format) on hard drive to KSPS file server: KSPS, CM-TV, KWSU
- Send broadcast signal to transmitters via microwave: KWSU, eastern Washington, northern Idaho, western Montana, southeastern British Columbia, and most of Alberta including Calgary and Edmonton.
- Satellite broadcast on Star Choice satellite system across Canada

Channel 14 - CMTV
, PEG, - Spokane's community access channel for members of the public. At present CMTV's one channel broadcasts Public programs, Educational programs(is this correct?) and Government programs all on channel 14. The city of Spokane Valley is the government programs. All of the PEG programming applies to CMTV???

All CMTV programming goes to KSPS who then sends the programms via their file server to Comcast. KSPS can also send programs directly from satellite feeds directly to Comcast for CMTV - Democracy Now will use this service, and KSPS can put programs from satellites on the KSPS file server for CMTV to use. CMTV brings all their programming that does not originate from KSPS to KSPS on a hard drive. Usually once a week on Thursdays, and picks up the hard drive on Friday after the files on transfered to the KSPS program file server. A high speed ftp connection may be able to replace the weekly drives to and fro KSPS.

Channel 15 - Gonzaga, PEG? or just Education access? Managed by the Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning???
Gonzaga has a live studio for students to produce live shows. The shows are sent directly to Comcast via a fast fiber connection. Girls basket ball is also sent live to Comcast. Gonzaga only does live programming. When Gonzaga is not broadcasting live, KSPS provides a live satellite feed from the Classic Arts Showcase. It doesn't seem Gonzaga has a way to produce programs and then broadcast them.

If there are students at Gonzaga that want to produce programs, CMTV would be a great place to take the programs for broadcast.

Channel 16 - UWTV, Univerity of Washington's Satellite TV station. Education access? Managed by the Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning???
KSPS takes the UWTV satellite feed and sends it directly to Comcast.

Channel 17 - Spokane District 81 public schools, EWU, Education access? Managed by the Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning???
KSPS used to schedule some programming from their file server for District 81. This is seldom if ever done now????
KSPS used to schedule some programming from their file server for EWU. This is seldom if ever done now???
KSPS now connects a direct satellite feed to channel 17. If District 81 or EWU had some programming to broadcast it would be from KSPS's file server and then once the show was over the direct satellite feed would be back on. When I took a look at the channel it was:
German World TV in English. Lots of news and longer pieces about the world, with a European flavor. First rate. Comparable to BBC, and Al Jezeera.

Apparently this is the choice of the Spokane Cable Advisory Board For Learning???

Channel 18 - KWSU TV, Washington State University TV, Pullman and KTNW-TV, Richland
Education access? Managed by the Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning???
KWSU is a public TV station with a selective mix of PBS programming and other education programs. KWSU & KTNW are managed by the Education & Public Media - which seems to have changed its name to KWSU Media Productions.
They sell their programs DVDs for $14 or more for sets.

Public Television Station KTNW, Channel 31, Richland, Washington is licensed to Washington State University. The studio is located on the WSU Tri-Cities campus in Richland, Washington. KTNW provides a full-service Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) program schedule to residents of the Columbia Basin region. KWSU/KTNW also provides the Create Channel.

The program schedule shows five channels. 2 go to Pullman, 2 to the Tri-Cities and 1 shared by Richland and Pullman.

KSPS provides the programming from their file server for KWSU from satellite feeds and files delivered by hard drive to KSPS from Pullman. The broadcast is sent for broadcast in Pullman via microwave to a transponder that broadcasts the signal from KSPS?
Who provides the broadcasts for the other channels? KSPS via microwave? KWSU Media Productions?
Scheduling of the broadcasts is this done in Pullman by KWSU Media Productions? via ProTrack?

Channel 19 - CCS TV, Community Colleges of Spokane
Education access? Managed by the Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning???
SCC has the studio????
KSPS does NOT provide any services to CCS TV
When I looked at the channel it seemed to be German TV in German - perhaps DW TV like Channel 17 does.
Who is providing this satellite feed?
Is this station used any more than channel 17????

Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning - according the the city of Spokane's channel 5 website. The Spokane Cable Advisory Board for Learning manages the five educational access channels, Comcast 15-19. "This is a consortium of local educational institutions serving the community’s educational access user needs, with resources supplied by the member schools, Comcast and other contributors."

At one time, beginning in the 70's, School District 81, was broadcasting programs that were used in the schools. EWU in the past has broadcast some programs. KSPS sent the programs to Comcast for District 81 and EWU.  I don't know when CCS has done any broadcasting or what facilities they have to broadcast from. Does anyone? KSPS does not provide programming for CCS channel 19. In recent years there has been few? if any programs, broadcast by School District 81, EWU or CCS as far as I can tell.

This leaves two channels, 17 and 19, open for all sorts of programs from Spokane instead of the live satellite feeds they are presently broadcasting.

If there are funds for additional equipment for educational access channels these certainly could find all sorts of programming uses for the two under used channels.

Portland seems to have found plenty of creative ways to provide considerably more channels with programming from several local broadcast providers.

Spokane viewers certainly could benefit with these at least these two channels being programmed locally.

Please send updates to this. As I receive more information I'll add them to this page link.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Programm Types For Additional Fresh Programming - To Nurture Spokane Community

Chris has brought up some ideas for additional fresh programs on CMTV.

With the available satellite feeds from KSPS more programming can be used by CMTV. Dish Network and other Satellite feeds from KSPS can be broadcast live - simple for KSPS to do - and programs can also be saved to KSPS's program file server for broadcast at later times - requires additional steps for CMTV and KSPS to do.

In addition to the satellite feeds available to CMTV there are various websites and DVDs that provide programming for PEG channel use. In the time it takes to make one half hour program with a CMTV Apple workstation using Final Cut Pro - hundreds if not thousands of hours of good quality programs can be downloaded from the web for broadcast by CMTV. This is what other small PEG channels do to have more fresh programming available for their viewers. Larger PEG channels also use satellite feeds they make use of for even more fresh programming.

CMTV has access to both satellite feeds and internet downloads. Fresh programs from these sources can be used to significantly increase fresh programming each week.

What types of weekly diverse fresh programming would be worth considering if it was available from satellite or download?
It would be good if each board member choose a program series that they would create an introduction (wrapper) for so it could be broadcast on CMTV. I'll do some of the Link TV programs. Any one else?

Ian, I believe, suggested at the last meeting that gardening shows should be considered to be made locally. Great idea - I've made several programs on various aspects of permaculture gardening. As with all local programming there simply are not enough programmers and workstations to cover the 720 hours per month - 168 hours each week that are being broadcast. Keeping local progamming at top priority this leaves hundreds of hours per month available for good quality fresh programming from satellite feed and internet downloads which can be done simply and quickly by CMTV in a short amount of time each week.

Here is the start of a list of possible quality fresh program types that CMTV could download each week to reduce the 90+% repeat programming. These include Ian's idea for gardening, ideas from Chris and the various programming types from CMTV's mission.

Please send ideas for programs and program types and I'll add them to the list.
Current & Possible Quality Program Types 
CMTV Produced, Locally Produced And From Satellite Feeds And Internet Downloads & DVDs

Currently fresh programming from local and non-local sources is a bit less than 8 hrs/ week - 30 hrs month maximum the yearly average is less. Which is about 4% of the programming hours available - more than 96% repeat programs. Note, the 4% fresh programming is not all local programming.

With the addition of Democracy Now - 5 hrs/wk - 20 hrs/ month this will almost double (50 hours/month) CMTV's fresh programming to almost 7% with 93% repeat.

Adding the 8 hrs/wk of Classic Arts Showcase available from live satellite plus 5 hours/wk from Link TV downloads (102 hours/month) would more than triple the current fresh programming - bringing fresh programming up to 15% with repeat programming at 85%. This has always been doable. KSPS already has a live feed from Classic Arts Showcase they can turn on at anytime(s) CMTV would like. The Link TV downloads would take a few minutes to set up and the downloads should be complete in a few hours which could be done over night.

More regular weekly programming of satellite feeds and internet downloads can greatly increase the percent of fresh programming and reduce the large number of repeat programs.

Categories From CMTV Mission - Purpose
Strengthening Community
Diverse Communities
>Local Programming? or DVD?
The Real Powwow Trail (1 hr)
Northwest Indian News (.5 hr/mo)
Unserved - Underserved Groups
Neglected perspectives
>Satellite Feed Live
Democracy Now! (5hrs/wk)
>Local Programming
- Better Spokane Interviews (10hrs/yr)
>Internet Download, DVDs
- Meet America (DVD's 10? hrs/yr
Local Issues
National Issues
Global Issues
>Internet Download, DVDs
- Link TV (downloads - at least 5 hours per wk can be downloaded)

Social Justice
Economic Justice
Environmental Justice
>Internet Download, DVDs
- Bioneers (DVDs - 20? hours per year)
Human Rights
Freedom of Expression
Social Change
>Local Programming
- CMTV Artist Showcase (12/hours a day - 80hrs/week - how much of this is repeats???)

>Satellite Feed Live
Classic Arts Show Case (8hrs/wk)
Wide Spectrum of Expression
Diverse Cultures

Additional Categories - Suggested And With Current Programming
Programs from local schools and colleges
Local news
Music from around the world

>Internet Download, DVDs
- Link TV (downloads - at least 5 hours per wk can be downloaded)

Weird Variety Stuff
Teenagers making cool stuff
>Local Programming
>Local Programming
Wellness - Body Mind Spirit
>Local Programming
- Jazzercise (?hr/wk)
>Local Programming (Sunday 4hrs + others throughout the week)
>Local Programming
- P.E.A.C.H. Classes
Travel - Adventure
>Local Programming
- Right to Risk Grand Canyon Movie (1 hr)
Read-throughs of plays - especially inspiring plays
Monologues or short scenes of play - especially inspiring works

Note. Some shows, actually belong in multiple categories. It would be great to put the shows in a database with tags for all appropriate categories to make a more comprehensive list. This would be very useful to see which categories are being neglected and which may be getting excessive amounts of air time.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Additional Fresh Programming - Link TV

Here is another source of exceptional programs that well meet CMTV's mission and purpose.

LinkTV - Television Without Borders
They have been around a good while and have lots of PEG channels using their programs. The list is quite something and a good way to see all the different logos PEG channels have:

I've picked a few programs to test to see how the programs can be added into the fresh programming each week. All the programs have been aired on LinkTV and numerous PEG channels more than a few times, thus the broadcast quality should be quite good since any issues have been worked out long ago.

The shows are from PEGMedia.org. Downloads - an hour program took less than an hour using Comcast. A fast internet connection should be able to download hour long programs in minutes. One station I talked to, had a fairly fast connection and was downloading Democracy Now files in less than 10 minutes - much faster than the CMTV internet connection that was taking hours to download.

Their mission is certainly in line with CMTV's mission and they have plenty of big names that lend their support to ad free station, neither commercial or sponsor ads.

In December 1999, Link Media launched Link TV, the first nationwide television network dedicated to providing Americans with global perspectives on news, events and culture.

Every day Link broadcasts a 24-hour mix of uncompromising documentaries, international news analysis programs and diverse cultural programs to over 32 million U.S. homes. Link’s original programs are distributed to more than 174 cable stations, reaching an additional 20 million households. Audience research indicates that there are more than 5.8 million regular satellite viewers of Link TV, who watch an average of 2.5 hours each week. In addition, 57% of these regular viewers report they have taken action as a result of something they have experienced on Link TV.

Link Media, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. In 2009, Link Media, Inc. formed a partnership with YouthNoise, which has become the backbone of its Engagement division. YouthNoise has the aim of encouraging youth civic engagement and community service through the integration of television, web and mobile technologies.

Below is LinkTV's mission and commitments.

It is wonderful that LinkTV makes programs available to PEG stations.

If anyone knows other sources of free quality programs for PEG stations let me know and I'll add the sources to the list.

Take care,  Easy

Link TV Mission
Link Media is an independent media organization whose mission is to engage, inform and inspire viewers to become involved in the world.
Link TV is committed to:
  • Providing powerful stories and unseen perspectives.  Link’s programs encourage compassion and an imaginative empathy that reaches beyond the viewer’s own surroundings and extends beyond borders, real and perceived.
  • Giving voice to people without a voice, from communities under-represented in conventional media. We connect viewers not only to the 'movers and shakers' but also to the 'moved and shaken’— people affected by the news.
  • Linking local to global. The stories we present help people draw the connection between themselves and others, as well as how local issues have broader implications.
  • Promoting dialogue across cultural and ideological divides through innovative media formats.
  • Fostering collaboration through coalition building with partner organizations and grassroots organizations around specific issues that matter to all of us.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Classic Arts Showcase - More Fresh Programming - To Nurture Spokane Community

For this and more info on available fresh PEG programs see:

Classic Arts Showcase is another free satellite channel that other PEG channels use to provide fresh programming to their viewers.

This would be a great addition for late night viewers, early morning viewers and for random fill throughout the day.
World class arts to inspire Spokane viewers - much better than endless repeats - and it is free.

"Classic MTV"  Launched in 1994, Classic Arts Showcase is a free cable television program designed to bring the classic arts experience to the largest audience possible by providing video clips of the arts in hopes that we may tempt you, the viewer, to go out and feast from the buffet of arts available in your community.

How can I get my station to air CAS more often?
CAS is available 24 hours a day, but each station that downlinks us airs us for as long or as short as they want. If you'd like to see us on the air more often, or at different times, the best way to make that happen is for you and your friends to petition your local channel. They always listen to viewer comments and requests.

How often do you repeat a show?
CAS is a weekly show. Each week we edit together a new 8-hour show, broken down into one hour blocks, featuring approximately 150 new classic art clips. That's more new weekly programming than any other show on television. We then send out our show via satellite three times a day (that's 24 hours), free and unscrambled, to individuals, cable providers and broadcasters all over North and South America. Anyone with a large dish can pick us up. Each day we randomly shuffle the one-hour blocks. Different stations downlink us at different times. Some air us for only an hour, some all day. So depending on how often and when CAS is scheduled in your area you could very well see repeat clips within a single week. But don't worry, there's always a completely new eight-hour show every Friday night.

How long have you been on the air?
Since May of 1994, and we plan to continue for many more years to come.

Classic Arts Showcase broadcasts 24-hours from Satellite. We're available free of charge to PEG channels, PBS, basic cable tiers and non-commercial broadcasters (just fill out the Application).

In the region
Classic Arts Showcase is aired on:

Montana, Billings: BILLINGS COMMUNITY CABLE, Channel: 8, Covers: Billings, Contact: Tim Harrington (406) 247-3893 FAX 406-247-3896
Montana, Lame Deer: CAS, Channel: 42, Covers: Lame Deer, Contact: Adrian Gardner 406-477-6232 (also Fax) adrian@hwi.net
Montana, Missoula: MISSOULA COMMUNITY ACCESS TV, Channel: 7, 8, 13, Covers: Missoula Valley and surrounding area (Ch 7 in Mimssoula, Ch 8 in Grand Creek, Ch 13 in Rattlesnake), Contact: Lori Hudak 406-542-76228 Fax 406-721-6014 lhudak@mcat.org http://www.mcat@mcat.org

Idaho, Boise: TREASURE VALLEY PUBLIC ACCESS TV, Channel: 11, Covers: Boise, Meridian, Nampa, Caldwell, Contact: Larry Ragan (208) 343-1100, (208) 323-8447
Idaho, Pocatello: CHANNEL 11, Channel: 11, Covers: Chubbuck, Inkom, Pocatello, Contact: Ken Wilson 208-234-6280 fax 208-234-6296
Idaho, Soda Springs: CARIBOU HIGHLANDS ACCESS TV, Channel: 2, Covers: Soda Springs, Contact: Jon Taylor 208-547-4276 Fax 208-547-2542 jtaylor@accessidaho.net

Oregon, Ashland: CAS, Channel: 93, Covers: Ashland, Contact: Martin Rush 541-488-9207 catv@ashlandhome.net www.ashlandhome.net www.ashlandtv.com
Oregon, Beavercreek: COMMUNITY CHANNEL, Channel: 14, Covers: Beavercreek, Mulino and Oregon City, Contact: Christ Stuart 503-632-9036 Fax 503-632-4200 cstewart@bctelco.om www.bctelco.com
Oregon, Beaverton: TUALATIN VALLEY COMMUNITY ACCESS, Channel: 21, Covers: Washington County (Beaverton, Hillsborough, Tualatin, Tigard, parts of West Portland), Contact: Kris Merkell (503) 629-8534 Ext 124 Fax (503) 645-8561 kris@yourtv.org
Oregon, Eugene: METRO TELEVISION, Channel: 21, Covers: Eugene, Springfield, parts of Lane County, Contact: Ken Warren (541) 682-4081 Fax (541) 682-3782
Oregon, Grants Pass: ROGUE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Channel: 31, Covers: Grants Pass, Contact: Richard Kirk (541)956-7040 fax (541) 471-3506
Oregon, Gresham: MT. HOOD COMM. COLLEGE / EDUCATIONAL ACCESS, Channel: 27, Covers: East Portland, Gresham, Troutdale, Fairview & Wood Village, Contact: David Bram 503-491-7636 Fax 503-491-7417
Oregon, Klamath Falls: THE PUBLIC CHANNEL, Channel: 14, Covers: Metropolitan Klamath Falls, Contact: Donald Haynes 541-885-1788 Fax 541-885-1863 haynesd@oit.edu
Oregon, Lincoln City: CITY OF LINCOLN CITY, Channel: 4, Covers: Lincoln City, Contact: Sandy McLeod (541) 996-2119 Fax (541) 994-8378
Oregon, McMinnville: MCMINNVILLE COMMUNITY MEDIA, Channel: 11, Covers: Yamhill County, Contact: Chris Benham 503-434-1234 Fax 503-472-7254 cbenham@mcm11.org http://www.mcm11.org
Oregon, Medford: SOUTH OREGON PUBLIC TELEVISION, Channel: 8, 33, Covers: Medford, Ashland, Central Point, Talent, Phoenix, Contact: (541) 779-0808 Fax (541) 779-2178
Oregon, Monmouth: WIMPEG, Channel: 17, Covers: Monmouth, Independence, Contact: Roy Bennett 503-838-8893 Fax 503-838-8399 benetr@wou.edu eimpeg.org
Oregon, Portland: PORTLAND CABLE ACCESS, Channel: 30, Covers: Portland, Contact: Victor 503-288-1515 Fax (503) 288-8173 http://http://www/pcatv.org (Click on "Programming" and look for CAS under "C".)
Oregon, St. Helens: COLUMBIA COMMUNITY TV, Channel: 9, Covers: St. Helens, Scappoose, Warren, Deer Island, Columbia City, Contact: Chuck Purvis (phone and fax) 503-397-5886 http://www.nwtv.org / info@nwtv.org
Oregon, Woodburn: WOODBURN COMMUNITY ACCESS TV, Channel: 5, Covers: Woodburn, Hubbard, Gervais, Contact: Judy Grace Tel/Fax (503) 981-7735

Washington, Bellingham: AT&T BROADBAND COMMUNITY TV, Channel: 26, Covers: Bellingham, Lynden Ferndal, Anacortes, Blaine, Custer, Dening, Everson, Maple Falls, Nooksack, Contact: Russ Nelson 360-527-8232 Fax 360-527-8305 nelson.russ@broadband.att.com
Washington, Ephrata: VIDEO INTERNET BROADCASTING CORP, Channel: 8, Covers: Grant County (Ephrata, Moseslake, Grand Couler, Othello, Electric City, Soaplake), Contact: Sonja Ryan 206-933-8120, Fac 253-859-0715, sonja@vib.tv
Washington, Longview: KLTV, Channel: 11, 44, Covers: Longview, Kelso, Castle Rock, Kalama & Woodland, Contact: Linda Manning (360) 636-3310 fax (360) 636-1490
Washington, Olympia: THURSTON COMMUNITY TV, Channel: 3, 26, Covers: Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater, Thurston County, Contact: (360) 956-3100 Fax (360) 357-2894
Washington, Seattle: KCTS-TV, Channel: 75, Covers: Seattle, Contact: Ty Adams (206) 443-4801 fax (206) 443-6691
Washington, Seattle: KING'S COUNTY CIVIC TV, Channel: 22, Covers: Seattle, Bellevue, Contact: James Burns 206-296-1689, Fax 206-296-0198 http://www.metrokc.gov/ctv james.buns@metrokc.gov
Washington, Seattle: SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS IBC, Channel: 26, Covers: Seattle (three fourths of city), Contact: James Burns 206-2520727 fax 206-252-075
Washington, Seattle: UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON, Channel: 17, Covers: Campus and residence halls, Contact: Suheyl Sokmen 206-685-246?
Washington, Shoreline: SHORELINE EDUCATIONAL ACCESS, Channel: 26, Covers: Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Contact: Jason Maher 206-361-4226 Fax 206-368-4116 jason.maher@shorelineschools.org shorelineschools.org
Washington, Tacoma: AT&T BROADBAND COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING, Channel: 29, 75, Covers: Pierce and North Thurston Counties, Contact: Ed Hauge (253) 503-8138 Fax (253) 503-8100
Washington, Tacoma: CITYPOST, Channel: 77, 85, Covers: Tacoma, Contact: Chas Hilton 253-591-5727 fax 253-591-5817 chilton@cityoftacoma.org www.tacomacitynet.org

PegMedia.org - More Fresh Programming - To Nurture Spokane Community

PegMedia.org - More Fresh Programming - To Nurture Spokane Community
To view this, updates and more info about programs for PEG channels as it becomes available:

Here is a vast source of free programming that can be used by CMTV:

The shows are free. Some have a nominal download charge. Other PEG channels
make good use of this fine resource to provide more fresh programming
for their PEG viewers. Stations also share their programs with the world
via PegMedia.org.

Talking with a tech person at a University, it takes 5 or so minutes
to download a 30 minute program via a program that uses mulltiple
ftp channels to bring in the program in multiple simultaneous streams
and then reassembles the program ready for broadcast.

Yes, downloading an hour program can be done in minutes and
need not take hours for a one hour program to download.

These programs would go a long way toward filling CMTV's over 95% repeat
programming each month. 

[There are 720 hours a month, 30 hours of fresh programming
a month is 96% repeat programming, of the 30 hours of fresh
programming per month much less is local content -
if there were 7 hours of local programming a month that would be
1% of the programming. It is not reasonable to expect local programming
to increase significantly over the coming years.]

Several hundred hours a fresh programming each month, that
nurtures a better Spokane for everyone - people and nature,
would benefit the Spokane community considerably. This can be
done and is being done by other PEG channels throughout the
United States.

Yes, of course, local programming should receive
first priority for CMTV broadcasting.
No one is suggesting anything different.

It would be a good idea for CMTV to focus more effort
to obtain and broadcast more nurturing programming
- hundreds of hours, until local programming is capable
of producing more programs.

Below is a list of the PegMedia.org programs available 1 Sep.

Take a look through the list and let Rob know of any shows you are particularly interested in.
There are garden shows, do it yourself shows, creativity, arts, health,
animal house (about animal rescue), Beatrix Potter - Reading aloud ...

This is one source that other PEG channels use quite a bit to provide
more fresh programs for their communities.

CMTV can do much more to provide more fresh programming
to its viewing audience. More fresh programming will
be greatly appreciated by the audience.

PegMedia includes 'Filmmakers Studio' which might encourage
a few more people to produce a local show. A preview of this and probably all
the other shows can be viewed on PegMedia.org. You may need to create an
account to view these. Here is an episode of Filmmakers Studio:

Two programs available from PegMedia.org that are quite popular on one channel are:
- Hot & Cold - a humerous show on building and renovating houses by an expert that does the work
- Expedition NE - is a great program for kids that talks about and shows nature

Hot and Cold is about building and renovating houses as well as updating with new types of insulation and alternative energy. It's somewhat the tone of a This Old House, but in Hot and Cold, the host, Tom Gocze, is the expert and does the work. Tom gets his hands dirty as he explains how homeowners can do a lot of the work themselves or be more knowledgable if they were to hire someone.
This show is excellent and would rank among the top in community television in interest to the audience and applicability to a wide audience. The production is single camera, but very good quality video, audio and content. A number of shows are currently uploaded with many more to come. This show is shot in Maine, but can play anywhere there are houses.

For more info see:

Expedition New England is a first class show about nature in the New England states
and beyond - covering the world. While this may not be focused on the
Pacific Northwest these shows would benefit every child in Spokane and their
families and deserves to be on CMTV.

For more info:


How did the "Expedition" begin?

During the summer of 2000, just before the birth of our first child "Daphne" I bought a video camera. About a year prior I had joined the Connecticut Herpetologist League and hooked up with some of CT's leading amphibian and reptile enthusiasts who taught me the art of things like snake catching and turtle rescue. And to top it all off, Ava and I obtained our scuba diving licenses in 1998 which lead to the access of New England's marine environment for the first time in our lives. All three things created a perfect storm of images for me as a film maker. I began filming everything; snakes, turtles, ants, jellie fish, spiders and even the birth of our child.

What is Scott Tucker's Expedition New England television show about?

It's about adventure. It's about discovery. It's about seeing the wonderful nature and wildlife that's thriving in our backyards, our Land Trust properties, our forests, and our oceans. My wife Ava, our daughter Daphne and I exploreNew England and beyond to capture amazing, interesting plants, and insects, and wildlife both on land and in the water. Sometimes we do this without even leaving our own backyard. There is just so much to see.

Why did I create Expedition New England?

With the programs currently on main stream cable and satellite we see more about Australia, Africa and Costa Rica than what's happening right under our noses in New England! I knew in my heart a show about our own backyard was despirately needed and "if done with emotion and compassion" could inspire people to take their kids back outdoors again and do something different. - an activity the whole family can enjoy. I also hope that whether they take advantage of what's around them or just watch my show I can help bring respect and ultimately protection for the fabulous flora, fauna, and wildlife around us. Today, I see we have achieved our mission.

Where am I planning to take the show from here?

The world of course.

For the next 5 years I plan to spend most of the summers Scuba diving in New England filming our spectacular marine environment. During the other seasons I will take the television audience on journeys and adventures to different places on land.

I will also be including in my program the many people I have met as a result of producing the show. Their specific knowledge will add so much to what I am doing.

I would love to see the show grow into a wider regional or national audience and have the content of the show cover more other un-sung places around the country and the world. Ultimately, I really want to inspire everyone on the globe to marvel, respect and work to preserve this amazing place we call Earth!


PegMedia.org Available Programs As 1 Sep

0 Steve Berry Presents - 30 Minute Music Video Program
85 dB TV
Alternate Root TV
Anatomy of the Human Mind Course
Animal House
Arlington News Network
Beatrix Potter - Reading Aloud with Judith McConnell
Behind the Scene with Hector Montalvo
Button Up NH, Home Energy Saving Workshop
Capitol Access
Childrens Mental Health Awareness videos
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Community Update
Culinary Kid
Dealing with Death
DIRTY STARS a sketch comedy show
Disc Golf Live video magazine
Dont Need No Baggage-Lester Chambers at Westfest
Fast Forward: Contemporary Science Fiction
Filmmakers Studio
FIX-IT SHOPS An Endangered Species
Foundation for a Drug Free World - Documentaries-PSAs
Free Minds TV
Freedom Magazine - TV Edition
From Risk to Action Women and HIV AIDS in Ethiopia
From the Back Alleys to the Supreme Court and Beyond
Future Talk
Gardening Rhythms
Go Fish with Dan Kenney
Graceful Aging
Introduction to Permaculture
Life Matters TV
Lifelong Friends
Link TV
Link TV - Explore with Charles Annenberg
Link TV 2010 Q1
Link TV Bonus Shows
Link TV Global Pulse
Link TV Mosaic Intelligence Report
Link TV World Music
Live at NERCH
Live >From Prairie Lights
Local Impact
Loose Painting in Oils
Maine Master Fiddlers
Maine Social Justice
Maine Video Activists Network
Midnite Mausoleum
Milk Producers Emergency Relief Fund Board forum KEEP LOCAL FARMS
Moment by Moment - The Healing Journey of Molly Hale
No Excuses Outdoors
OFF-AIR, A Sitcom About Local TV News
Open Mic Poetry
Oven Luvn with Chef Melisa
Perils for Pedestrians
RADIANCE An Experience of Light
Sci-Fi Journal
Science Fiction Fandom
Seeds of Hope - Meeting the Challenges of HIV and AIDS in Ethiopia
Stateside Footy
Stay Connected
Take It to the Auction
The Big Show
The Book Swap Cafe
The Dungeon of Dreck
The humble Farmer
The Power Station Presents
The Steve Katsos Show
The Way to Happiness Show and PSAs
The What is Scientology Show
Veterans Helping Veterans
Victor Marchese - The Undiscovered Tenor
Voices of Truth - One-On-One with Hawaiis Future
Why Do These Kids Love School
Woman by Woman - New Hope for the Villages of India
Words of Peace
Zombie Etiquette
Other Shows: For the following shows, a small charge for the download costs will be made to the downloader. Shows in this category can be as good as or better than free shows and certainly should be worth much more that the small amount needed to cover the download.
Please click on the shown name for more details about the show.
0 Steve Berry Presents - 30 Minute Music Video Program
100-Second Film Festival
11 Bravo Vietnam
2009 Coachs Corner Shriners Football
2009 Shrine Chowder Bowl Classic All Star Football Game
2009 UniBank Blackstone River Valley Greenway Challenge Triathlon
2009 Western States Police and Firefighter Games
2010 Coachs Corner Shriners Football
2010 MS Update
2010 Shrine Chowder Bowl Classic All-Star Football Game
30 Odd Minutes
85 dB TV
A Black Nativity
A Culinary Journey
A Drop of Water, Water Issues in the Commonwealth
A New Vaudeville Review
A Positive Place
Access Newsroom
Accessing Government Information in Maine
Afghan Marshall Plan - Winning With Jobs, Not Guns -filmed in Kabul
Along the Blackstone
Alternate Root TV
American Songwriter
An Original TelePlay, Rope of Sands
Anatomy of the Human Mind Course
Andre Presents
Animal House
Answers from Augusta
Appetite for Entertaining
Archaeology - Reading Indian Artifacts
Area Code 508 with Nicole Gabai
Arlington News Network
Arts Alive San Francisco
Arts and Ideas with Sue Swinand
Ask the Recruiters
Baby Blue Arts Presents
Backstage in Raymond
Beatrix Potter - Reading Aloud with Judith McConnell
Behind the Scene with Hector Montalvo
Benson Klemme
Better Business Today
Better Life
Big Brothers Big Sisters PSAs
Blood Struggle
Bloomin with the Bemis
Brandworth TV
Bread and Circuses
Breakfast at Harrys
Bridging Heaven and Earth
Bushvisions Australia
Button Up NH, Home Energy Saving Workshop
Campbells Comedy Corner
Capitol Access
Changing Seasons in Sandwich, Cape Cod
Charlies Organizers
Chattin Politically with Jeanine
Chef Ed Cooks...
Childrens Mental Health Awareness videos
Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Climate Crisis
Coastal Gardens
Coffee And . . .
College Tuition Solutions
Colorado Open Meetings Law
Colorado Open Records Law
Community Happenings
Community Update
Concerts on the Common
Conservative Roundtable
Conversations with Candidates
Conversations with Princeton Authors
Cooking With Marie
Cooking With Papa Tuck
CTAM Meeting 1-26-10
CTAM Video Streaming Workshop 3 25 09 V2
Culinary Kid
Daceys Divas
Dance Today In Maine
David Mallett Concert
Dealing with Death
Delaware Valley Outdoors
Delivering Justice
Deutsche Welle - Arts.21
Deutsche Welle - Global 3000
DIRTY STARS a sketch comedy show
Disabilities Rights Center Presents
Disc Golf Live video magazine
Discussing Creativity
Do It Yourself Energy Saving
Doggy Dilemmas
Dont Need No Baggage-Lester Chambers at Westfest
Down In Front
Earl Oliver and Friend - Live from LaVals
Eastern United States Dancesport Championships
Eat Right NH
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University PSA
Essential Dissent
Expedition New England
Explore Maine
Eye on Health
Fast Forward: Contemporary Science Fiction
Fiddlers Showcase 2009
Filmmakers Studio
FIX-IT SHOPS An Endangered Species
Foundation for a Drug Free World - Documentaries-PSAs
Fred Barzyk Videos
Free Jazz From The Sanctuary
Free Minds TV
Freedom Magazine - TV Edition
Friends of the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge
Friendship Sloops 2008
From Risk to Action Women and HIV AIDS in Ethiopia
From the Back Alleys to the Supreme Court and Beyond
Full Disclosure Network
Future Talk
Gallery Works
Garden Thyme
Garden Wise Living with Arlena
Gardening Rhythms
George Keverian: The Speaker Who Believed in Democracy
George Winston
Get Fit With Kristen
Go Fish with Dan Kenney
Go The Distance TV
Golden Hour of Rescue
Graceful Aging
Granite State Outdoors
Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce Today
Green By Design
Grilldog Presents Food Fun and Friends a cooking show
Hanging Around the Fishin Hole
Hartford Community Chorus Concerts
Healthy Hypnosis
Healthy Living
Hollywood New England
Home Winemaking 101
Homegrown Jihad
Hot and Cold
Hot New Hampshire Issues
How to Gain Safety Control and Growth for Your Retirement
I Believe TV
In The Fight
In The Light
Indymedia Presents
Infinite Century Independent Movies
Injured On The Job
Introduction to Permaculture
Its the End of the World as We know it and I Feel Fine
Ivan Coyote Live at Speak Out
Jody Mulgrew Live at Pirate Cat Radio
Jook Joint
Just Coolin
Kids A Cookin
Kim Jennings
Kotoujian Chronicles
Lawton Merritt Edutainment - The Truth Series Unplugged - The New Face of Reality
Learning Music with Pat
Legal Ease
Liberty News TV
Life and Style With Sara
Life Matters TV
Lifelong Friends
Link TV
Link TV - Explore with Charles Annenberg
Link TV 2009 Q3
Link TV 2010 Q1
Link TV Bonus Shows
Link TV Global Pulse
Link TV Mosaic Intelligence Report
Link TV World Music
Live at NERCH
Live >From Prairie Lights
Lloyd Knight at the Waterboro Historical Society
Local Impact
Local Music Rocks
Loose Painting in Oils
Magic of Painting
Main Street Soapbox
Maine Community Television Network Promos
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries
Maine Energy PSAs
Maine Frances Perkins May 2 Conference Promo
Maine Heritage Policy Center Presents
Maine Master Fiddlers
Maine Municipal Association meets the Gubernatorial Candidates
Maine Perspectives on Federal Healthcare Reform
Maine Social Justice
Maine Tanglewood 4H Camp
Maine Video Activists Network
Mainely Acoustic
Mainely Musicians
Mar Bartlett Fear Release
Mark and Tim
Mauer Meals
Meet the New Hampshire Republican Candidates
Middlesex Concert Band Concerts
Midnite Mausoleum
Midweek Politics with David Pakman
Milk Producers Emergency Relief Fund Board forum KEEP LOCAL FARMS
MMA Public Hearing on the TABOR II and Excise Tax Ballot Initiatives
Moment by Moment - The Healing Journey of Molly Hale
Monarchs Face Off
Mostly Rock n Roll
Mysterious Midwest
NASA 360
Native Heartbeat
New England Journal
New Hampshire Community Events
New Hampshire Today
New Hampshires Covered Bridges
NH House of Representatives
Nicaragua - On The Ground
Nightmare Cinema
No Excuses Outdoors
Northeast Journal
Norway Arts Festival
Norway Paris Christmas Parade
Norway Paris Maine PSAs
Notes from Underground
Notes from Up River
Of Civil War
OFF-AIR, A Sitcom About Local TV News
On-air Viewer Discretion Advised Notice
Open House
Open Mic Poetry
Orthodox Christian Mission
Our Opinion Matters - COMEDY
Our Time is NOW
Oven Luvn with Chef Melisa
Pachios on the News
Painting to Change the World
Paul LePage - The Right Man for Maine Governor
Peak Moment - Locally Reliant Living for Challenging Times
Pen Women Presents - Eileen Malone interviewing creative people talking about creativity
Penny Dreadfuls Shilling Shockers
People and Places in Maine
People Have a Right to Know
Perils for Pedestrians
Physician Focus
Poland 2009
Political Chowder
Postcard Show
Potluck: the anything and everything talk and entertainment TV show
Power News
President Obama in Portland Maine 04 01 2010
Quest of the Wizardry
RADIANCE An Experience of Light
Reaching Potential Through Maine Afterschool
REELING: The Movie Review Show
Ronnie Neuhausers Styrocultural Antidote - 3incarnation
RSVP Presents Emergency Preparedness
Rt 9 Veterans Forum
Running for Your Health - 5 Weeks to 5K
Saco River Chronicles
Saco River Sound Stage
Salmon Water Now
Sari Tales
Saturday Fright Special
Sci-Fi Journal
Science Fiction Fandom
SEA-Inside: Pacific Northwest
Second Act
Seeds of Hope - Meeting the Challenges of HIV and AIDS in Ethiopia
Seeing the Forest for the Trees
Senator Sanders Unfiltered
Seniors on the Move
Service Above Self
Shelden Theatre Brass Band - 20th Anniversary Concert
Singing His Praises
Smart Boating
So Many Books
Songspeak Conversations on the Art and Craft of Songwriting
Sons of Italy
South Portland Democratic Committee Statewide Gubernatorial Candidate Forum
Speak Out Against Gas Drilling
Stateside Footy
Stay Connected
Story Connections
Success Quest
Suicide Prevention PSA
Surviving Everyday
Sustainable Farming Practices
Swara Lahari
Tai Chi
Take It Outside
Take It to the Auction
Tale of Two Women
Talking Stick
Tarot by Lea Marie
Telepathic TV
That Football Show With Those Fantasy Guys
The Big Picture
The Big Show
The Book Swap Cafe
The Chefs Plate, NHs best chefs cook for You
The Coffee House
The Comp Guys
The Daily TV Mass
The Drexel Interview
The Dungeon of Dreck
The Fathers Corner
The Force of Poetry
The humble Farmer
The LaRouche Connection
The Modified Racing Series
The New England Job Show
The Night Shift
The North Andover Forum: US Senate
The Piano Guy
The Power Station Presents
The Profit Partner
The Reading Lady
The Revolution Show Live
The Rhema Word
The Simple Gourmet
The Single-Payer Solution
The Steve Katsos Show
The Stillhouse Jammers - Lookin Toward Heaven
The Tasting Room
The Third Eye Show
The Truth About Drugs
The Way to Happiness Show and PSAs
The What is Scientology Show
The Wood Whisperer
There Ought to Be a Law
Thyme In The Kitchen
Tina Cooks
Tompkins County Against War and Occupation
Toms Guitar Show
Tracing Your Family Roots
Train Time
Travel with Sandy and Gail
Tupelo Music Hall - Open Mic
Uncle Boo Show
Uncle Jay Explains
Unfiltered with TVs Rick Blood
Veterans Helping Veterans
Victor Marchese - The Undiscovered Tenor
Victory Lane
Voices of Truth - One-On-One with Hawaiis Future
Wake Up with Wendy
Wakefield Fourth of July Parade
Whistle Where You Work
Why Do These Kids Love School
Woman by Woman - New Hope for the Villages of India
Words of Peace
Workers Rights Under Attack in Maine
World War II History Round Table
Yes On 1 in Maine
Your Hit Parade
Your Red Cross in Action
Youth for Human Rights PSAs
Zombie Etiquette